Application Process for the Alpine Campus 2025 - NOW OPEN
The School for Student Leadership (SSL), previously known as the Alpine School operates four campuses in Victoria:
- Alpine School Campus, Dinner Plain
- Snowy River Campus, Marlo
- Gnurad-Gundidj Campus, Glenormiston South
- Don Valley Campus, Don Valley

Schools need to express interest, will be offered a team place with allocated gender numbers, and will then be able to select the team and develop the CLP in the knowledge they are "in"!
VIEW 2025 Applications & Regional School Allocation also in our new website format on our new websites:
Alpine School Campus
Gnurad-Gundidj Campus
Don Valley Campus
STEP 1 - Complete expression of interest
Cross Check the regional allocation matrix and ensure your region is allocated to the term of your choice and to the campus of your choice.
Find the liaison teacher(s) at your school. It can be more than one and often is better if this is so. They are going to be the lynch-pin and the key to the team’s success and the individual student’s preparation, separation and reintegration for the program. There should be a time allocation to this role if the school is to have a successful overall experience in this program
Complete an Expression of Interest Form and Send it to the Snowy River Campus by the end of Term 2. This will apply for all 2025 programs at ALL campuses.
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The Liaison Teacher, Principal and School Council President need to sign the Expression of Interest form. This should be completed by the council meeting in May/June.
STEP 2 - Select Students
- You will be advised of your success in gaining a place in 2025 in term 3, 2024
- If selected in the expression phase, Schools will then be advised after the selection process on the number of student positions available for each school and the gender makeup required.
- In expressing interest for the program, the school accepts responsibility for selecting a team of the students who it deems will benefit most from the experience. On acceptance, this process should begin.
- The process of selection of a team and development of a project can happen concurrently, and often this can work very well. Some schools use the process of development of projects to indicate commitment to the team and hence student selection.
STEP 3 - Create Community Learning Project
- A Community Learning Project (CLP) has to be identified. See exemplars of project at the end of the EOI document or view examples of CLP Success Stories on the four SSL campus websites: You will be asked to detail successful CLPs from past participation. The school will and should approach the SSL campus for advice and support in developing the CLP.
- Home schools then need to support the team in developing their project. See exemplars again.
- The CLP proposal needs to be submitted with all the other documentation (student confidential/medical information, consent form, ICT user agreement and recording permission form) in week three of the term prior to attending. Students may be asked to participate in an on-line 3600 positive psychology-based ILP self assessment tool.
- VIEW the VIDEO: School for Student Leadership - Application & Selection Process