Alpine Student Life 2017
- Recharge Day
- Adventure Time Outside
- A Snapshot of Week One
- Photogallery 2: Photography, Expo 2, Radio Station Visit, and First Snow
- Photogallery 1: Bridge Building, Expo 1, and Hike to Mt Feathertop
- Wheelchair Basketball with Guest speaker Lincoln Budge
- Photogallery 3: Community Service in Bright
- Photogallery 2: Fresh Snow, Expo 1 and Bike Ride to JB Hut
- Term 4: Photogallery 1
- Photogallery 3: Sunset DEARR - Drop Everything and Read and Reflect
- Photogallery 2: XC and Downhill Skiing, TOAST, and Expo 2
- Photogallery 1: Expo Skills and Expo 1, Photography Lesson
- Photogallery 4: Expo 2, Rest Day bike ride and Community Service
- Reflections on Alpine Campus’s Local Learning Project (LLP) Day with Omeo Primary School
- Photogallery 3: Bike Ride, CPR lesson, Expo 1 and Community Service
- Photogallery 2: Expo Skills, Bridge Building and more
- Photogallery 1: Term 2 - Week 1
- Photogallery 3: Raft Building, First Snow and Rest Day Dodge Ball
- Photogallery 2: Rest Day hike, Expo Skills, and Community Service in Bright
- Alpine Photography at JB Hut
- Photogallery 1: Term 1 - Team Activities and Bridge Building
- VYLC China Team - Exploring Zengcheng, Rafting at Pak Lap in Hong Kong, Climb to the Big Buddha, wet markets, and more
- Core 2: Photogallery 1 - Bridge Building & Ride around Dinner Plain
- VYLC Photogallery: Exploring the local area
- Photogallery : VYLC Students Arrive in China
- VYLC China Team - Week 1 Photogallery
- Photogallery 1: Term 4 - Team Activities
- Photogallery 3 - X-Country Skiing and Alpine Challenge
- Photogallery 2 - Expo, Downhill Skiing at Mt Hotham and X-Country Skiing
- Term 3 - Team Activities, Community Walk and Rest Day in the Snow
Alpine Student Life 2015
- Expo 2 and final days of fun
- Exploring the Outdoors - Day Walks, Expo Skills and Expo 1 - Gallery
- Kids Teaching Kids
- SLR Photography Workshop with David Tatnall - Gallery
- Highlights of Alpine Community Life and Activities - Gallery
- Highlights From Our First Two Weeks - Gallery
- Alpine Students experience the fun and challenges of Teams Day
- Photography with David Tatnall
- Winter Wonderland continued - X-Country, Downhill and Expo Photos
- An Alpine Winter Wonderland Gallery - Expo in the Snow
- Ski Race Volunteers
- Introduction to Alpine School Life - Community, Learning, Team Building and Snow Fun
- Term 3 - Photogallery No. 1
- Term 2 - Photogallery No.4
- Term 2 - Photogallery No.3
- Term 2 - Photogallery No.2
- Term 2 - Photogallery No.1
- #Latergram - Rewind and Revisit Term 1 2015 Students Photogallery
- Photogallery: Expo Skills and Expo
- Photography Photogallery
- Panoramic Views from the Alpine School
- First Week at the Alpine School, Term 1 2015
Alpine Student Life + VYLC 2014
- Spectacular Scenery and Thrilling Adventures in Longsheng and Yangshuo - Week 4 in China
- Return to Utahloy - Jake
- A Spectacular Day - Abseiling and Cloud 9 Cooking School - Lizette
- Exploring Caves and the Town of Yangshuo
- With determination and support you can climb any mountain you put your mind to - Caitlyn and Taylah
- An Early Start for Our Journey to Yangshuo - Grace
- Teaching, painting, exploring - The Adventures of Our Victorian Young Leaders to China continue
- Final day painting at the local Primary School - Paisley and Kyle
- Calum and Jorja-Rose Report on being Student Leaders
- Sky High - Visit to the 108th Floor of the Canton Tower - Jayden and Ryan
- The Adventures of Our Victorian Young Leaders to China Continue - Gallery
- Visit to Opium War Fort Museum -Lili and Harrie
- Finishing painting the classroom doors at the local Zengcheng primary school - Jake and Taylah
- A Rest Day to Relax and Recuperate - Tom and Janelle
- 9999 Steep Steps - Rory
- We are the Teachers - Finlay and Travis
- Visit to Hong Kong - Abseiling, Rafting, Sea Kayaking and Hiking at Pak Lap Wan Gallery
- Saying goodbye to the beautiful Pak Lap Wan beach - Emma and Steph
- Editors Pick - Photo of the Day - Abseiling off a cliff above the Ocean, Pak Lap Wan
- Joseph and Holly Report on Day 2 at Pak Lap Wan, Hong Kong
- Our Great Day at Pak Lap Wan, Hong Kong - Jas and Jordan
- An Amazing Week of Activities and New Learning Experiences - VYLC Program Gallery
- Grace and Theo Become Tradies for the Day Painting Doors at the Local Primary School
- Our Amazing Time - Harriet and Jake
- Project Work in the Utahloy Library and Dinner at ZengCheng No 1 High School - Ronan
- Making New Friends - Dinner with Students at the Chinese School - Lili
- Paisley's Blog of the Day
- Bike Riding through the local villages - Zengcheng, China Guangdong Province
- My Day as Student Leader - Jayden
- Alpine - China Experience - Utahloy Immersion Programme Photogallery
Alpine Student Life 2013
- Photos from Day Walk to Mt Tabletop and Expo 2
- An Alpine School Long Lunch
- Highlights from Welcome Ceremony and Minister Dixons Visit to Alpine School
- Term 4 Students Entrants in Dinner Plain Fun Run
- Highlights from Term 4B - Gallery
- 4A Experience the Thrill of Rafting
- A Few Images of Term 4A during Week 4 and 5
- Funduro Bike Ride
- Out on Expo
- Exploring the Alpine Environment - Photogallery
- Atop the Summit of Mount Tabletop
- Snapshot of The Alpine Community - Week 1
- Introduction to mountain bikes and off road alpine riding
- Bridge Building Challenge Term 4 2013
- Students taking an Alpine Salada kind of break
- An Alpine Expo 2
- Community Activities - Special Guests and Theatre Sports
- Snow Activities and Downhill Ski Day at Mt Hotham
- A Snapshot of Some of Term 3's Alpine Activities
- Ski Day - 2B 2013
- Snow. This Morning!
- Alpine Photography with David Tatnall
- 1A Returning from Expo in the Snow
- Mt Feathertop Walk
- Omeo Radio Station
- Success! Alpine Bridge Building Activity and Latest Gallery
- Students' Community Agreement
- A Snapshot of Teams Day and Bike Riding - Image Gallery
- Alpine Bike Riding - Introduction to Bikes
- Starting the Process - Building the skills to make a great team on Teams Day
Alpine School Life
Making New Friends - Dinner with Students at the Chinese School - Lili |
Tonight was a big adventure for us. We went to eat dinner and interact with the students from a Chinese School of 3000 students. I felt really lucky to have been given this opportunity because I know it’s something that’s rarely experienced. As we arrived, I was absolutely overwhelmed by all the smiling faces. All of these Chinese students were so intrigued and delighted to see us as we are fluent English speakers and learning English is a main priority for them. When we first met them they were incredibly friendly and wanted to get photos with us all. I spoke to one of the 16 year old girls named Bobo and she only gets 4 visitors per year so she was pretty excited to see us. She was especially kind and generous, giving myself and Bree some of her food and writing nice postcards for me to take home. I was really surprised that I could easily speak to these people I had never met in my life. It helped knowing that they were really interested in what I had to say but it was a lot less complex than I expected. Saying goodbye to all the lovely students was a real struggle, but luckily we still get another opportunity to see them again. Lili W.