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The Alpine School has a New ONLINE HOME!


The Alpine School Campus - New Website

The Alpine School Campus has new online home!

We are excited to announce the Alpine School Campus now has new website available to view making it easier for our parents, students and schools to access all the latest information for our innovative School for Leadership program for Year 9 students.


Visit our new website to find our latest Term Program & Timetable, 2024 Campus Handbook & Parent Information, Year 9 School Teams attending in 2024 and a snapshot of our unique School for Student Leadership Program & Curriculum.


Teams in Residence - Term 2 2024

Schools teams in attendance at the ALPINE SCHOOL CAMPUS for our SSL program for Term 2 2024 are:

  • Doveton College
  • Boort District P12 School
  • Nossal High School (I)
  • Tyrrell College
  • Cheltenham Secondary College
  • Bendigo South East College
  • Irymple Secondary College
  • Nossal High School (II)
  • Mount Eliza Secondary College

Term 2 2024 School for Student Leadership program at the Alpine School Campus commenced:
- Sunday 21 April 2024 (Student Arrival)
22 June 2024 (Student Departure).

Find out more about the School Teams in attendance on our new website:
TAS Student Teams T2 2024


School for Student Leadership - Online Student Enrolment

Student Equity Fund

School for Student Leadership - Student Equity Fund

The Student Equity Fund enables people who share our vision of transformative education to contribute to this outstanding program and help ensure it is affordable and accessible for all students in the public education system.


Victorian Young Leaders to China Program
Victorian Young Leaders to China Program

The Alpine School Campus of the School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) school specialising in leadership and personal development education for students in Year 9.

This term we are a pilot program for the Victorian Young Leaders to China initiative. This means we are part of a state wide program for young Victorians to participate in a new and dynamic cultural exchange.

The program for term 4, 2014 will consist of a week at The Alpine School at Dinner Plain to begin the program, then 4 weeks in China at Utahloy International School, Zheng Chen Campus, and then a final week back at The Alpine School, Dinner Plain Campus.
The website is

The Victorian Young Leaders to China Program gives students, teachers and school leaders the opportunity to be part of a life-changing international education experience.  As part of Victoria as a Learning Community and the vision to internationalise our education system, 1500 Victorian Year 9 students will travel to China over five years from 2014.

At the core, the Victorian Young Leaders to China Program is about students’ developing
capabilities for modern ways of living, thinking and working. This includes global knowledge, intercultural understanding and developing thinking and relationship skills for engaging in a global context such as collaboration, communication and linguistic ability. Students will participate in a rich learning program that will help them develop and demonstrate leadership skills, and to empower them to make an active contribution to their schools and communities as young leaders.

The program complements the Victorian Government’s Vision for Languages Education by sup-porting students to deepen their knowledge and understanding of another culture and language. It is designed to increase the number of students in all schools who include a language in addition to English in their senior secondary studies.

It is expected that all the rules and policies that apply the Alpine School, School for Student Leadership, will also apply when the students are in China.


School for Student Leadership - Student Equity Fund The Student Equity Fund enables people who share our vision of transformative education to contribute to this outstanding program and help ensure it is affordable and accessible for all students in the public education system.


School For Student Leadership

School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET) initiative offering a unique residential education experience for year nine students. The curriculum focuses on personal development and team learning projects sourced from students' home regions. There are four campuses in iconic locations across Victoria. The Alpine School Campus is located at Dinner Plain in the Victorian Alps. Snowy River Campus is near the mouth of the Snowy River at Marlo in east Gippsland. The third site is adjacent to Mount Noorat near Camperdown in Victoria’s Western District, and is called Gnurad-Gundidj. After consultation with the local aboriginal community, this name represents both the indigenous name of the local area and an interpretation of the statement "belonging to this place". Our fourth and newest campus, Don Valley Campus is located at Don Valley in the Yarra Ranges.

School for Student Leadership Victoria Campuses

We acknowledge the rich heritage of the Gunaikurnai, Jaitmatang, Monero-Ngarigo, Gunditjmara and Wurundjeri people as custodians of the lands of our school. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their Elders past and present, and especially whose children attend our school.